Tag Archives: Food

Nom Nom

This Christmas plate magically fills up with chocolate...

The holidays are never a time to plan diets but this year, I might possibly be making it worse for myself because I’m also using this time to try out fun recipes that I don’t have time to make when school is in session. Yesterday, I made a delicious apple pie with my mother. The crust is simply margarine, flour, water and a tablespoon of salt, and the filling was made with 6 Golden apples, lemon juice, 100 g of sugar, a hearty dose of cinnamon and a handful of flour; before putting it in, I put a layer of sliced almonds on top of the crust. I had to adapt this pie from a recipe given to me by a co-worker at my last internship. Her recipe also includes either cherries or blueberries but none of those were available to me. It was all still delicious.

This is what it looked like before going in the oven:

And this is what it looked like when it came out after around 45 minutes baking:

It smelled pretty scrumptious

I chose to eat it with some cream… I’m pretty proud of myself and my mother!


Filed under Lifestyle

Happy Christmas Baby

This is supposed to be a religious holiday after all

I’ve been troubled these days about whether I need to send greeting cards to build on my mini network, have come to the conclusion that I should but am still working out the kinks of who they should go to. Who knew Christmas could bring around such troublesome conundrums. But here are snapshots of the better part of Christmas, the one with laughs, screams, family and generally joyous gatherings.


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